Two words... "Life Changing"
Wade is part of The Jackson Insurance Group Legacy.
Before Wade, I was working endlessly with no vision or clarity of how, when, and where I was going. His program has given me pinpoint laser focus.
The program has taken me from working 70+ hours a week to working 35 hours a week + delegating low-dollar tasks & focusing on more impactful & high-dollar tasks.
This is just the beginning and there is so much more to his program and I'm looking to implementing and mastering his program.
Follow Wade's advice & plan to create a more profitable agency, an endless stream of residual income, passive income once you have your team in place, & a love for life!
Jason Jackson, Insurance Agency Owner - Clinton, OK

Everybody's Making More Money
Thank you for everything you've done. I love the coaching program so much.
We've retooled our compensation with the bonus program, and you’ve served as a mentor and coach to help me restructure & reorganize our entire operation.
It's helped every one of our staff members grow tremendously in their career paths, with their designations, and professionally – plus everybody's making more money.
They see the incentives benefit them each time they do a step in the process.
You’re helping us better engage our staff, team members, and associates.
I can't thank you enough.
I look forward to the future and many great years to come.
Brian Hayden – Insurance Agency Owner - Oxford, MS

Less Work & Less Stress... More Fun & More Money
Since starting the program, I am consistently working a three day work week & delegating enough to possibly cut this down more. I am making more money & I am having more fun! I have taken up yoga and snow skiing with the time that I’ve freed up, with ZERO negative impact on my business or finances. I’ve decided to let my business work for me, not the other way around.
Before starting the program, I was in the “always on” mode of compulsively checking my blackberry, giving customers my cell phone number and calling the office on my time off just to check on things. Wade’s program helped me eliminate those behaviors and replace them with things that are less time-consuming and more productive. Now, I do not own a blackberry, I do not give out my cell number and I have not called the office at all when I am out- which is a lot.
My family is so grateful! Plus, they also like that my residual income has gone up significantly & P&C production is up as well. Thanks Wade!
Jenny Weidner, Insurance Agency Owner - Allen, TX

Increased Growth, Retention, & Quality of Life + Less Work
Wade has helped me grow and develop my business.
I've been able to get a handle on the lapse cancellation rate and clarity roles for my team members.
I was working 60 to 70 hours a week, now I'm down to 30.
If you're even thinking about doing the coaching program, I highly recommend you just do it.
You'll get more quality of life than you've previously had, and it's a very dynamic program to work with.
Larry Hall, Insurance Agency Owner - Richmond, WA

Compensation Plan Helps Me Work Less & Make More
Wade is exceptional at building and implementing compensation plans that mirror our scorecard allowing me to work less and make more in my time at the office.
A good comp plan will ALWAYS be needed, take the step!
Dane Donaldson, Insurance Agency Owner - Strongsville, OH

More Accountability, Growth & Peace... Less Worry & Work
Before his coaching began, I was working a minimum of 55 hours each week to hard-earned average results. While initially terrified to cut back my work hours and spend more time personally, I quickly realized working smarter and structuring my week for efficiency provided much peace, and surprisingly, no different production. Once I found the courage to give up my early Saturday mornings and at least one afternoon a week, I found more peace and less worry happened pretty immediately.
Wade and I are currently working on the profit piece of my business. I have a psychology degree, and unfortunately, that didn't require a lot of business classes. My work with Wade in this area is critical with where I am in my career. In addition, I feel, as a business owner and a mom, I must continually be working to become a better version of myself, a better leader, a better mother, a better daughter, a better wife, a better friend and so forth. Working withWade not only provides me with incredible insight in coaching but the accountability I need to ensure I don't forget about me. I think of him and his company like an oxygen mask in an airplane. They're that necessary.
Dennia Beard, Insurance Agency Owner - Benton, AR

Greater Understanding & Better Sales Process
The coaching has helped me understand my agency on a larger basis - how to retain, how to grow, how to multi-line our business.
I recommend Wade for his practical applications, his knowledge and caring ways for State Farm agents.
Steve DiOrio, Insurance Agency Owner - Wayne, PA

Living My Dreams + Better Time Flexibility & Leadership
Wade has helped me unlock potential that he saw in me and helped me see it too.
He is the “how to do” your dreams Coach!
He has extensive experience in coaching, leadership and counseling.
I have been able to be more flexible in time and more effective in leading my team with Wade’s guidance.
Thomas Waters, Insurance Agency Owner - Homewood, AL

Holistic Approach to Reach New Levels of Success
Wade has been a cornerstone advisor throughout my career as an Insurance Agency Owner.
Knowing how to staff, systemize processes, overcome obstacles, reach new heights are all areas of development he has provided to me throughout my career.
He is client centered, passionate about results and takes a holistic approach to helping others reach a new level of success in their businesses, careers and perhaps most importantly in their lives.
Success is multifaceted and it takes a higher level of coaching/consulting to address all of them.
If you are ready to level up and are committed to continuous improvement, Wade is outstanding choice when selecting a partner to help you and your team get there.
Jennifer Johnsen-Nazareth, Insurance Agency Owner - Malvern, AR

More Time Off, More Money, Less Stress
Wade is fantastic. I have invested in all of Wade's programs and my return from them has been nothing short of PHENOMENAL!
I am taking more time off to be with my family, increased my bottom line, and done so in a little over 6 months while decreasing my stress by a truckload.
Wade is my pseudo-business partner and has earned my highest recommendation. He has helped me see areas in which our agency was week, and turned them into strengths so quickly it makes my head spin. The results just get better and better for me.
If you want the same results in your agency, you should run, not walk, to Wade's websites and get started immediately on your own "more vacation, more money, less stress" success story!
Brian Anastasio, Insurance Agency Owner - Albuquerque, NM

More Profit in Less Time & Better Quality of Life
The program has helped me create more profit and a better way of thinking about my business in terms of profit and quality of life.
I’m working 1.5 hours less a week on a regular basis. When you consider the vacation time I have taken I’m going to easily cut 240 total hours for the year in comparison to last year.
Mark Cramer, Insurance Agency Owner - Malvern, AR

Business Analysis Creates More Income, Accountability & Organization
After completing the program, I can say that my net income is up considerably over last year.
Wade and I looked at each person as a profit center and adjusted team bonuses to reflect what the agency could afford to pay for various results. The tools provided during the program helped me analyze my business and make improvements at a whole different level. I need to be held accountable so scheduled meetings helped me get myself more organized and work the systems.
I’m still working on the time at work issue but definitely made improvements during the course of this program. This was definitely worth the time, money and effort.
Marilyn Lewis, Insurance Agency Owner- Carson City, NV

Attract, Train, and Motivate My Sales Team
I strongly recommend Wade Galt and his services to sales professionals, especially in the insurance industry.
Wade has provided me with personalized service to help me attract, train, and motivate my sales team.
Brent Cooper, Insurance Agency Owner - Dallas, TX

Helping Our Customers Better - Highly Recommend
Thanks to Wade for helping our team get better at helping our customers.
I would highly recommend Wade’s consulting program.
It was time and money well spent.
Todd Riggs, Insurance Agency Owner - Toledo, OH

Priceless Perspective for New Agency Owners
As a new Agent, Wade has helped me analyze and work through agency issues much more smoothly.
His help and perspective has been an invaluable influence toward my operational and financial decisions.
With so much to learn and master, in such a limited time frame, I am so glad a colleague referred me to him.
Sharon Dobbins, Insurance Agency Owner - Richmond, VA

Unique Perspective plus Contagious Energy & Enthusiasm
Wade is uniquely qualified to consult with multiline insurance agents to help us improve our business processes, and more importantly, gain a better balance between our personal lives and our work.
He is well equipped to help agents and team members become better and more effective at what must be done to be successful in a very competitive market.
Wade is always ready to help, and he brings an energy and enthusiasm to his work that is contagious!
John Ryce, Insurance Agency Owner - Wexford, PA

More Consistency, Clarity, and Calmness for Everyone
Wade's program has made some very impressive changes with my agency.
Creating more Consistency, Clarity, Calmness and overall, a better atmosphere for success with less stress for my employees and me.
Thank you Wade!
Craig Griffiths, Insurance Agency Owner - Richland, WA